Singer, Pianist, Organist, Voice Actor, Choral Conductor Buffalo/Western New York
Organist Buffalo/Western New York Christina Shrewsbury
Organist Buffalo/Western New York Christina Shrewsbury Christina has served churches in the Greater Buffalo area as organist / music director for over 20 years. She has performed extensively in the Buffalo area including numerous recitals at St. Paul's Cathedral.

Christina has performed as organ soloist and as organ accompanist with several area brass ensembles for Buffalo Diocesan Anniversary Concerts at St. John the Baptist and Christ the King Roman Catholic Churches. She performed an all Mendelssohn recital for the 40th Anniversary of St. Paul's Cathedral music program.

Christina has performed an all Rheinberger program at the Westminster Presbyterian Church in Buffalo. The full program can be found at the following link:

She has participated in the Eastman Organ Improvfest for several seasons at the Eastman School of Music Rochester, New York. Christina has served as Dean of the Buffalo Chapter of the American Guild of Organists.

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